
The Practical Results of the Reform Act of 1832

Année d'origine : 1860

John Walsh

THE PRACTICAL RESULTS OF THE REFORM ACT OF 1832.    [p.iii] CONTENTS.    CHAPTER I.  Introduction – Temporary character of the Settlement of 1832 – Its effect...

Chapter I

Année d'origine : 1860

John Walsh

[p.1] The Constitution of 1832 bas lasted upwards of a quarter of a century, a very large portion of the life of a man, a very short moment in the history of a nation. Nevertheless its duration has considerably exceeded the prognostics of its opponents. Their anticipations that it would be the immediate precursor of social revolution have been delayed at least, although...

Chapter II

Année d'origine : 1860

John Walsh

  [p.13]  It has always struck me that the antagonism between the principles of conservatism and the doctrines of advanced liberalism, or modem political philosophy, has its origin from the very outset in the totally opposite process of reasoning which they apply to the investigation of the principles of government. The Conservative always rest...

Chapter III

Année d'origine : 1860

John Walsh

  [p.39]   It must be admitted on all hands that the immediate results of the Reform Bill realised neither the hopes of its friends nor the apprehensions of its adversaries. For so great an alteration, the first consequences appeared of a very negative character. The causes of this absence of ·apparent results were various, and t...

Chapter IV

Année d'origine : 1860

John Walsh

  [p.51]   I HAVE always regarded the fall of Lord Grey not merely as the overthrow of a minister, but as the break-up of a system of government. In the Coercion Act he had engaged the executive in a contest with the most powerful of demagogues. The Parliamentary influence of Mr. O'Connell was so great, that Lord Grey's colleagues shrank f...